Spearhead Topper

New Spearhead Topper Purchased for Solar Farm Maintenance

We’re thrilled to announce our recent purchase of a Spearhead topper from AFM Machinery, a decision that supports local businesses and enhances our solar farm maintenance. Special thanks to Henry White at AFM for his invaluable assistance!

Why We Chose the Spearhead Topper

– Support for Local Dealerships: By choosing AFM, we’re investing in our local economy and community.
– Front-Mounted Design: This feature provides better visibility around solar panels, allowing for precise cutting.
– Minimized Damage: The front-mounted design eliminates the risk of flattening vegetation under the wheels, protecting our infrastructure.

Commitment to Sustainability

The Spearhead topper will help us manage vegetation effectively, maximizing sunlight exposure for our solar panels while promoting environmentally friendly practices.

By maintaining the vegetation around solar panels, the Spearhead topper ensures clear access to all parts of the solar farm. This is crucial for routine inspections, repairs, and cleaning activities, allowing technicians to easily reach and maintain the panels

In conclusion, we’re grateful to Henry and the AFM Machinery team for their support. This investment not only enhances our operations but also contributes to a greener future!